What’s the best online mattress?

Mattress that feels right, fits right!

Getting a good night’s sleep is vital. Getting up fresh and full of energy should be your main criteria for the next day and for that sleeping for at least 8 hours is necessary. However, there are people who complain about their mattresses.

Having a good night’s sleep depends on three factors – room temperature, comfort, and stress level. A factor that is really going to affect your sleep is mattress comfort level. You can manage the room temperature and your stress level, but sleeping on an uncomfortable mattress can give you an achy morning.

According to Arya Nick Shamie, associate professor of orthopedic surgery and neurosurgery at Santa Monica UCLA medical center, a mattress should support your body naturally. Your spine should be in a nice curvature and your hips, knees, heels, head, and shoulders should be in proper alignment.

All in all, if a mattress is too firm, it will push on pressure points and take you out of alignment. The pressure point are your shoulders, hips, head and the heals. It is important to keep them aligned while on the bed. On the other hand, if the mattress is too soft, it will not be able to support your body’s pressure points, so the entire body flops back. It is necessary to choose a mattress that best suits your body style or the sleeping gesture.

Are mattresses made to last a lifetime?

Yes, it is true that mattresses are made to last a lifetime. But you shouldn’t be planning to sleep on it for a lifetime. Change is a natural phenomena, our body follows the same concept. It changes with time- as we grow old, our body demands more rest and comfort. However, if we don’t change the mattress according to the body preference, it can cause us acute back pain and discomfort.

In addition, mattresses attract germs, fungus, mites that can exacerbate allergies. This will not only make you uncomfortable, but also impacts on your sleeping pattern.

Ultimately, the best mattress for you is the one that feels good and comfortable. After 10 to 15 years, mattresses should be replaced.

How can we know when to change the mattress?

If you wake up in the morning with a pain in your lower back, and it persist for more than 15 to 20 minutes, it means you are sleeping on a wrong bed. May be, that mattress suits others in your family, but it’s not necessary to go with the crowd. If the mattress is not suiting you, means it is time to get a new one.

If you are looking for a new mattresses, make sure you test the mattress for comfort. Laying down on each mattress for 10 – 15 minutes in a position in which you generally sleep will give you a better idea of the comfort level. The more you try and replicate your natural sleeping posture, there are more chances of picking up the right one. However, we understand that it’s not possible for you to spend so much of time in a mattress showroom, so you can purchase a bed that gives you warranty and a policy of exchange. Try the mattress for at least a week and judge the comfortability level.

In addition, there is no mattress that can save your body if your sleeping only for 5  hours a day. Your brains demands 8 hours of maximum sleep. In order to feel fresh, you need to get the right amount of sleep and rest at night!

The Business in Town

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