back pain relief massage

The Definitive Guide to Massage Therapies for Beginners

Gone are the days when getting a professional massage was a luxury for ordinary people. Today, many hospitals, clinics, spas, and wellness centers in New York offer various massage therapies at affordable prices.

For centuries, Eastern and Western civilizations used the messages to heal injuries, alleviate pain, stress, and much more. Luckily, they are now emerging as the most reliable and promising alternative to the traditional ways.

But what exactly are they? And how could they benefit you? Exploring more about massage therapies will help you choose the right one for your specific needs.

All About Massage Therapy

Massage therapy involves using various techniques and pressure to manipulate, rub, and press the muscles and soft tissues of the body. Massage therapies are commonly used to overcome the stress, anxiety, and discomfort associated with several health-related problems.

Today, you can find more than 80 varieties of massage therapies. Each type of massage offers unique health benefits. So you are assured of finding the massage therapies that cater to your specific health needs.

Many working professionals suffer from pain, be it neck, back, or shoulder pain. Getting a back pain relief massage in Warwick, New York, is an excellent way to eliminate stiffness in the back and improve mobility.

What You Should Expect From Your First Massage Appointment

  • Firstly, you will be asked to provide detailed health history to assess your health needs.
  • A licensed massage therapist will analyze your health needs and other factors impacting your injury or illness.
  • Then the massage therapist will design a treatment plan to provide quick relief and relaxation to your injury or illness.
  • A therapist can modify the treatment plan at any time, and it can be reassessed considering your needs.
  • It’s totally up to you to undergo any part of the treatment. In fact, treatment only proceeds further once you provide your informed consent.
  • Besides, it also includes setting realistic health goals, analyzing the response of treatment, and incorporating alternative care options.

Five Surprising Health Benefits of Massage Therapy

  • Stress Relief

Massage has been used to relieve stress for centuries. In fact, a medical study has indicated that massage therapies induce the production of feel-good hormones such as endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine which keep you happy and relaxed. Besides, it helps reduce cortisol levels, blood pressure, and other common symptoms associated with stress.

  • Reduces Muscle Tension

The complexities associated with the fast-paced life often make people more psychologically and physically stressed. This has made problems such as injuries, joint stiffness, and muscle tension more prevalent than ever.

However, massage can help overcome muscle tension and make you feel more relaxed and comfortable. The best part is you can get pain relief massage in New York at affordable prices.

  • Improves Sleep Quality

Maintaining good health without good sleep is just next to impossible. Recently, researchers have confirmed that massage therapy helps overcome sleep insomnia. The good part is the therapeutic effects of massage are not limited to any specific age group.

A study conducted by the University of Warwick in 2006 found that massage helps newborns under six months of age or less sleep well and cry less.

  • Relief from Muscle and Joint Pain

Studies have shown the effectiveness of massage therapy in relieving muscles and joint pain. Whether you are suffering from chronic back pain, arthritis, or any other kind of body pain, getting a pain relief massage in Warwick, New York, not only lessens pain but also increases mobility.

  • Improve Blood Flow and Circulation

Massages improve the supply of oxygen and essential nutrients to different muscles and organs, improving blood circulation. This, in turn, helps speed up the healing and recovery process in the body. In fact, a study published in the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation in 2014 also revealed that massage helps improve blood flow.

The Bottom Line

However, the benefits of massage therapy don’t end here; they are endless. Choosing a certified and skilled massage therapist is crucial to reap all the benefits of massage therapies. A licensed massage therapist assesses your health needs and then provides you with a customized treatment plan that helps you achieve your health goals more quickly and efficiently.

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