Top Bathroom Renovation Mistakes

A bathroom is no longer the place where we go for just taking bath. For some of us, it is our escape to our imagination, for some others, it is a place to find their calm and connect with their inner selves.”  as told by one of the companies who provide bathroom renovations in Brisbane North.

However, a lot of us commit mistakes when looking for bathroom renovation services. Since it is one place in the house that is no longer ignored and is given much more important than it was given earlier, it is important to make sure that you do not face problems in doing so.

We will list out the mistakes people make and also try to give solutions for them:

Latest bathroom design


We spoke to a few people about the bathroom renovation mistakes they committed and here is what one person told us “Once upon a time I entered my bathroom and there was this weird odor which made me so uncomfortable that I could not stand it. Also, I never noticed that there were tiny deposits on the walls of the bathroom which had developed because of poor ventilation”. For a hygienic bathroom, you need a good exhaust fan that provides proper ventilation.


To ensure proper drainage, it is necessary that there is a good slope gradient so that the water flows in the right direction. Whenever you are planning to get the bathroom renovation done, it is important that you consider this factor else the drainage will be poor and cause inconvenience. In case you require linear tiling, be sure to dry up the wet area as frequently as you can.

Excess expenditure

Many times you will be fooled into spending extra money on the bathroom renovation project. Do not fall into this trap. Make sure that you buy the material only after enquiring about the existing prices in the market. Whether it is tiles or any other accessories, make sure that you are not overspending.

Poor lighting

If you think that you can do without good lighting inside your bathroom, you are wrong. For a lot of tasks, you need proper lighting inside the bathroom. You do not want to go wrong while waxing or shaving. If you do go wrong, remember that it will hurt.


You do not necessarily have to install a toilet in your bathroom when there is one nearby. Make sure that you keep your bathroom as spacious as possible and avoid clutter by arranging for sufficiently large bathroom cabinets.

Porous materials

Using porous materials inside the bathroom can cause a lot of inconveniences since the water will seep through. Would you really want that? Replace porous stuff with non-porous material.

No storage

As you require cabinets in your kitchen, similarly you require them in your bathroom as well. This will help you place your towels, shaving and waxing kits, and other basic things in an organized manner.

Bathroom with bath tub


If you have planned it right, you cannot go wrong with your bathroom renovations. Keep all the above points in mind if you do not want to deal with the hassle of spending again and again on the maintenance of your bathroom. Give your bathroom as much importance as you would give to any other room in your house. Keep a checklist of your requirements ready before you finalize a bathroom renovation service.

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